Monday 1 April 2013


Men in scrubs, women in hard hats and shots of Canada's breathtaking nature. The Canadian government's Economic Action Plan ads are beautifully and convincingly shot. All with the stated purpose to inform us that our government is doing its job and helping Canada out of a recession. It seems the Conservatives have accomplished their mission.

Seeing the ads has been unavoidable, if you would like to watch t.v., check the computer or listen to the radio. Even taking the bus isn't an escape because what do you know the government of Canada has plastered signs all over the bus walls reassuring you that the economic action plan is in place guiding us safely into the future.  Just in case you missed it the first 600 times.

You may ask what the problem with these ads is other than their constant bombardment. Many people like the Conservatives and shouldn't they be telling us what they're up to? While many people agree or disagree on the Conservative agenda for this country and the government does have the responsibility to tell us what they are doing. However these ads started in 2009 during the recession; but both recession as well as the economic stimulus program the government put in place at that time are now over. So why are these ads still running, this is old news and isn't explaining what the government is doing now. Its like advertising a sale only to discover when you get to the store that it finished a month ago.

The fact is these ads aren't telling us anything new, merely providing a fancy bit of entertainment or dare I say propaganda to keep the government in a positive light. Its an expensive light as well with  with $21 million being spent on the ads from 2011-2012. To put this in perspective the government spent $78.5 million in the same period for all their ads combined this includes everything from healthy eating to anti drugs. However the largest proportion of spending remains on the Economic Action Plan. For a government who claims to be focusing on balancing the budget and being known for spending on the essentials the only essential in this campaign seems to be a lack of self esteem.

An example of this can be seen in the latest ad which I have provided for you in case you missed it one of other thousands of times it has been aired. This ad is one of the latest and claims the government is for environment protection, an idea I find completely ridiculous. It's like the government is testing their limits like a small child before they are placed on a timeout. The fact is most of this ad is a string of white lies. The only reason I can think of the conservative government who maintains that climate change is something to be denied by sticking their fingers in their ears, squeezing their eyes shut and yelling lalalalalalala! is because their self - esteem has taken a bruising with international and internal criticism. This ad is their way of saying see! we do care, see! see! Justifying their pushing aside of environmental protection in favour of resource development. Whether or not you agree with their environmental policy-- or lack thereof you should still expect truth in what they tell you as well as standing behind their decisions.

The real irony of the Economic Action Plan ads I find can be found in the very signs themselves. For all of the ads trumpeting of the creation of jobs for hardworking Canadians the actual signs are painted in the United States.

Whether or not you support the conservatives or despise them, voted for them or protest them; everyone in Canada deserves to here about actual government policy to back up what the ads are selling and what we are paying for. To be treated like hardworking, intelligent people and finally be given the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Meagan, perhaps you should study political science or be a journalist that keeps the liars in line. I happen to hate the nonsense Action Plan ads so your blog has a most appreciative audience!

    You've done an excellent critique of the ads. Well done.
